How to stay fit during pregnancy
Don’t exhaust yourself - light to moderate exercise program should be the aim. You may need to slow down as your pregnancy progresses or if your maternity team advises you to. If in doubt, consult your maternity team. As a general rule, light to moderate levels should allow you to hold a conversation as you exercise when pregnant. If you become breathless as you talk, then you’re probably exercising too strenuously. Stop wasting your time and learn Eating Healthy During Pregnancy
Exercise tips besides Eating Healthy During Pregnancy:
- Always warm up before exercising, and cool down afterward.
- Try to keep active on a daily basis; 30 minutes of walking each day can be enough, but if you can’t manage that, any amount is better than nothing. If you haven’t been active or are overweight, start with 3-4 days spread across the week.
- Drink plenty of water and other fluids.
- If you go to exercise classes, make sure your teacher is properly qualified, and knows that you’re pregnant and how many weeks pregnant you are
- You might like to try swimming because the water will support your increased weight. Some local swimming pools provide aquanatal classes with qualified instructors.
- Walking is a great exercise — it is a moderate aerobic activity but will have minimal stress on your joints. Other good choices are swimming, low-impact aerobics and cycling on a stationary bike.
More Exercises side by side with Eating Healthy During Pregnancy to avoid
Stop lying flat on your back, particularly after 16 weeks, because the weight of your bump presses on the big blood vessels and can make you feel faint and reduce blood flow to your baby.
Stop being part in contact sports where there’s a risk of being hit, such as kickboxing, judo, squash, tennis, football, or rugby.
horse riding, downhill skiing, ice hockey, gymnastics and cycling, because there’s a risk of falling.
Don’t go scuba-diving, because the baby has no protection against decompression sickness and gas embolism (gas bubbles in the bloodstream).
Don’t exercise at heights over 2,500m above sea level until you have acclimatised. This is because you and your baby are at risk of altitude sickness (a decrease in oxygen).Don’t do repetitive high impact exercise, or with lots of twists and turns, high stepping or sudden stops that cause joint discomfort. Don’t do exercise where you get too hot. Your body’s temperature is slightly higher when you are pregnant. Intensive exercise may cause your core temperature to rise to an unsafe level for your baby. Limit your exercise to moderate intensity, drink plenty of water, wear lightweight clothing and only exercise in cool, well ventilated places (no spas or saunas.
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Eating Healthy During Pregnancy
how to stay fit during pregnancy